
Medical Experts, Educators, Leaders and Policymakers

Prof. Papa Saliou Mbaye


Internal Medicine
Hepato-Gastroenterology Digestive Endoscopy

Dr. Aboudou Raïmi Kpossou


Associate Professor of Hepato-gastroenterology, University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS), Cotonou, Benin. Vice-President of the Beninese Society of Hepato-gastroenterology (SBHGE). Publication Director of the Journal Le Bénin Médical. Member of the International Scientific Committee of the SAHGE

Prof. Nawal Guessab


Head of virology unit at the hepatology department, Mustapha Bacha University Hospital in Algiers. Member of the National Viral Hepatitis Committee. Member of the Scientific committee of National Transplant Agency.

Prof. Nabil Debzi, MD


Head of hepatology department at Mustapha Bacha University Hospital in Algiers. Coordinator of the National Viral Hepatitis Committee. Scientific committee member of National Transplant Agency

Dusabejambo Vincent, MD, MMED


Senior Lecturer at University of Rwanda (UR), College of Medicine and Health Sciences (CMHS), School of Medicine and Pharmacy (SMP). Senior Consultant Internist at Kigali University Teaching Hospital (CHUK).
President of Rwanda Society for Endoscopy (RSE).
National Coordinator of Rwanda Endoscopy Week (REW). National Coordinator of the 24 th Congress of SAHGE.

Dr. Shikama Felicien


Doctor with 12 years of clinical practice. Senior Consultant Physician Internist and Hepato-gastroenterologist at the
University Teaching Hospital of Butare (CHUB). Gastroenterology and Hepatology Fellow at the University of Rwanda. Secretary and Treasurer of Rwanda Society for Endoscopy

Dr. Hanna Aberra


Consultant Internist, Gastroenterologist and Hepatologist, Associate Professor of Internal Medicine, PhD in Tropical and Infectious Diseases.

Head of the GI unit and GI fellowship program director at King Faisal Hospital, Rwanda, University of Rwanda

Dr. Eric Rutaganda


Medical doctor with 16 years of clinical practice. Senior Lecturer of Medicine at the University of Rwanda. Senior Consultant Physician Internist and Hepato-gastroenterologist. Head of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy unit at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK), Rwanda

Prof. Leon Mutesa


MD, PhD and full professor of human genetics, currently serving as
the Director of the Center for Human Genetics at the College of Medicine and Health Sciences,
University of Rwanda.

Dr. Belson Rugwizangoga


MD (from the then-National University of Rwanda–NUR). MMed in Anatomical Pathology (from MUHAS, Tanzania). PhD (from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden). A pathologist with 11 years of experience, Associate Professor of Anatomical Pathology and Chair of the Department of Pathology at the University
of Rwanda School of Medicine and Pharmacy. Acting Director of Research at the University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (CHUK).

Jean Bonaventure Uwineza


Senior Consultant Anaesthesiologist. CANECSA fellow and founder member. Lecturer at CMHS/University of Rwanda(UR). Head of anesthesia and ICU department in Kigali University Teaching Hospital from 2015-2021. Head of Anaesthesia and critical care services in King Faisal Hospital since October 2021 up to 14th December 2022.

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